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刚刚试用过富士X100数码相机,又把玩了新上市的富士X10,虽说X10较X100技术参数缩水不少,可还是有着异曲同工的感觉。与富士X100一样,打动人心的首先是富士X10的外形,其延续了富士X100经典造型设计,旁轴复古相机的魅力在富士X10上得以体现,手动变焦富士 Just tried Fuji X100 digital camera, and play a new listing of Fuji X10, although X10 X100 compared to a lot of technical parameters shrink, but still have the same feeling with different songs. Like the Fuji X100, touching the first is the appearance of the Fuji X10, which continues the Fuji X100 classic design, the charm of the side axis retro camera to be reflected in the Fuji X10, manual zoom Fuji