This article describes the treatment of 32 patients with Meniere’s disease using endolymphatic sac shunt. Surgical procedures: Anesthesia under the ear incision, high-speed electric drill to perform a simple mastoid henchmen, keep the thinning of the posterior wall of the external auditory meatus, scraping the middle and posterior fossa bone plate, the level of the semicircular canal, fully exposed sinusoids, If the position of the sigmoid sinus in front, when the exposure is difficult with a large diamond drill to the sigmoid sinus callus bone worn away, so during surgery sigmoid sinus bone wax can be used to deflate. If the location of the endolymphatic sac is extremely close to the jugular bulb, it is often located at the lower edge of the posterior semicircular canal. In the medial side of the facial papillary dura mater, the endolymphatic sac can be rapidly exposed as long as the anatomy of the facial nerve is known.