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全蝎为节肢动物门蛛形纲钳蝎科动物东亚钳蝎的干燥全体 ,现多为人工饲养。由于药源紧缺 ,价格连年上涨 ,在采集加工过程中 ,大量不法分子为牟取暴利 ,趁机掺假 ,以增加重量 ,应值得重视。1 掺假增重方法1.1 喂食泥土增重全蝎夏季除吃多汁软体昆虫如蚊、蝇、蚂蚱、螳螂等外 ,? The whole plant is the dry whole of the arthropod Arachnid, and is mostly artificially reared. Due to the shortage of drug sources, prices have risen year after year. In the process of collection and processing, a large number of lawless elements must be taken seriously for the sake of profiteering and adulteration to increase the weight. 1 Adulterated Weight Gaining Method 1.1 Feeding Soil Weight Gaining in summer In addition to eating juicy molluscs such as mosquitoes, flies, grasshoppers, cockroaches, etc.?