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临淄区齐都镇河崖头村位于临淄齐国故城大城东北角。1989年,临淄区文物部门对河崖头村西五号墓大型殉马坑实施防水工程,在施工中发现3座西周墓。3座墓葬均被叠压在殉马之下,为保护殉马不受损害无法进行正常的发掘清理,只能在做防护处理取土时将随葬品取出。当时仅记录了3座墓葬的大体位置、形制、随葬品的放置位置。3座西周墓墓向一致,由南向北排列。为了与过去发掘的墓葬编号有所区别,本次墓葬编号为M101、M102、M103。 Linqu District Qidu Town River Cliff Village is located in Linzi Qi Gucheng northeast corner of the city. In 1989, Linzi District cultural relics department on the river Cliff Village West Fifth Tomb large martyrs Ma waterproof implementation of the project, found in the construction of three Western Zhou Tombs. All three tombs are stacked under the sacrificial horse, so as to protect the sacrificial animals from being damaged so that they can not be excavated and cleaned up normally. At that time only recorded the general location of three tombs, shape, burial objects placement. Three Western Zhou tombs to the same, arranged from south to north. In order to be different from the burial numbers unearthed in the past, the burial numbers are M101, M102 and M103.
目前 ,岐山周公庙西周大墓群 32号墓的抢救性发掘清理工作已告结束。据 2 0 0 5年 1月 1 1日《华商报》报道 :“考古学家在墓室底部还发观了大量红烧土 ,说明棺椁和墓室内曾
通过水溶液还原法制备纳米铜颗粒,研究了不同反应条件对制备纳米铜的影响。制备纳米铜的最优条件是:当溶液 pH为12、温度为 313K、1%的明胶作为分散剂时,将0.4mol/L NaBH4加
文庙也称孔庙、夫子庙、先师庙、文宣庙等,是祭祀孔子的地方。在中国,几乎每一个省府或县城,都有一座文庙,台湾也不例外。 Confucian Temple, also known as the Confucius
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