医疗文化是卫生服务文化的重要组成部分,是卫生服务文化中涉及面最广、内容最丰富的部分,也是古今中外医家们议论最多的部分,因而大有研讨之必要。 1 医疗文化及其丰富内容 什么是医疗文化?医疗文化是指医疗服务活动中的文化,是医疗服务活动中物质文化和精神文化的总和。我们可以从不同的角度,来揭示医疗文化的丰富内涵。
Medical culture is an important part of the health service culture. It is the most extensive and richest part of the health service culture. It is also the most talked-up part of the doctors of all ages. It is therefore necessary for discussion. 1 Medical culture and its rich content What is a medical culture? Medical culture refers to the culture in medical service activities and the sum of material culture and spiritual culture in medical service activities. We can reveal the richness of medical culture from different perspectives.