一年来,在党和政府及社会各界的亲切关怀和热情支持下,我们的癌症康复事业有了新的进步和发展。主要抓了以下几件事: 1.想患者所想,急患者所急,为患者办实事,办好事,诸如编印“抗癌信息”、组织“抗癌乐园”,建立“患者联络站”,帮助患者解决免费晨练和药费、生活等实际困难。目前已编印“抗癌信息”五期,为患者求医问药提供了诊断治疗信息。联络病友131人,除四人病故外均健在,有的像正常人一样的生活,互相关心,互相爱护,自救互助,开展群体抗癌,注意心理调适,遇有患者情绪波动,病友们争相劝说,为其解脱,做到心理平衡,经常到患者家中或医院慰问危重病人,朝
In the past year, thanks to the cordial care and enthusiasm of the party and government and all sectors of society, we have made new progress and development in our cancer rehabilitation. Mainly to grasp the following things: 1. Think of the patient think, urgent patients urgently, do practical things for patients, to do good things, such as the publication of “anti-cancer information”, organize “anti-cancer paradise”, the establishment of “patient liaison station” , To help patients to solve the free morning exercise and medical expenses, life and other practical difficulties. Has now been printed “anti-cancer information” five, for patients seeking medical advice provides diagnosis and treatment information. Contact with 131 patients, except four died outside the health are alive, and some like normal life, mutual care, mutual love and help each other, to carry out groups of cancer, pay attention to psychological adjustment, in case of mood swings, patients are competing Persuade, for its relief, to achieve psychological balance, often to the patient’s home or hospital condolences to critically ill patients, North Korea