1 定义和发病概况[1]肺栓塞 ( pulmonaryembolism ,PE)亦称肺血栓栓塞 (pulmonarythromboembolism ) ,是由于内源性或外源性的栓子堵塞肺动脉主干或分支 ,引起肺循环障碍的临床和病理生理综合征。如在此基础上进一步发生肺出血或
1 Definitions and Morbidity Profile [1] Pulmonary embolism (PE), also known as pulmonary thromboembolism, is the result of endogenous or extrinsic emboli blocking the trunk or branches of the pulmonary artery, causing clinical and pathophysiological effects of pulmonary circulatory disorders Syndrome. If further pulmonary bleeding occurs on this basis