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  Golden State is fun to watch for all the obvious reasons — the best shooting backcourt ever, Stephen Curry’s preposterous pull-up 3s, the splendid passing dotted across the roster, Andrew Bogut’s dirty tricks, the funky lineups, and the ever-present sense that Curry could transform the team into one giant fireball at any moment.
  But Golden State is also fun because the players make you believe in the larger spiritual underpinnings of team sports. They are so in tune with each other, and that synchronization guides them on both ends of the floor.
  The Warriors are a legit title contender if healthy. That question is over. But almost every team that makes the playoffs in the West will be a legit title contender. Matchups will be of paramount importance, and the West offers a gantlet of massive front lines. Dallas brings the Nowitzki/Tyson Chandler combination. Memphis has its old-school “brother from another mother” postup bullies. Blake Griffin eviscerated David Lee on the block in last season’s first round, and DeAndre Jordan can outleap anyone.
  The Spurs’ bigs aren’t as fearsome on the surface, but both their starters can protect the rim, and Boris Diaw comes off the bench to poke at small-ball mismatches. Portland’s size forced Houston to scramble its entire rotation in the playoffs and bring back the Omer Asik/Dwight Howard front line that failed so badly early in the season.
  The Warriors have done well playing Barnes as a small-ball power forward on bench units, and that’s fine when Barnes is guarding Jon Leuer, AlFarouq Aminu, Joel Freeland, or some other backup big who can’t hurt Golden State. They’ve even risked going small in short stretches against the RandolphGasol and Nowitzki-Chandler combinations in recent games.
  But they’ll lose that battle on some nights in the playoffs, and that brings us to the elephant in the room: Lee is coming back soon. He won’t start; that question is also over. But his fit off the bench is unclear. Playing him with both Barnes and Speights shifts Barnes to the wing and pushes Golden State away from small ball.   不过他们仍会在季后赛里输掉一些比赛,这也为我们带来了不得不注意到的一个问题:李很快复出了。他不会首发,这个问题没什么可讨论的。可他是否能融入板凳,这尚不清楚。让他和巴恩斯、斯贝茨一起上场,这就会把巴恩斯推到小前锋,勇士就不再能打小个阵容。
  It could also create spacing issues for bench units that already struggle to score. The Warriors can play the bricky Iguodala and Livingston together off the bench in part because Barnes gives them some extra spacing at power forward. And even then, things can get tight for the Dubs’ second unit.
  Golden State still can’t produce points when Curry sits, a long-standing issue that killed its winning streak in Memphis and bolsters Curry’s MVP case; the Warriors have scored 112.6 points per 100 possessions with Curry on the floor and clanked away to a Sixers-esque 93.7 when he sits, per NBA.com.

  库里休息时勇士无法得分,这个长久以来一直存在的问题让他们的连胜记录终结在了孟菲斯,同时也为库里赢得了更多MVP的呼声;据NBA官网的统计,库里在场时,勇士每100回合得分为1 12.6分,他休息时,这个数字就掉到了76人水准的93.7分。
  The second unit doesn’t have a consistent pick-and-roll player. The Warriors in the half court have relied on basic motion offense, Livingston’s post-up game, and some other stuff that just hasn’t worked without Curry’s spacing.
  That’s the appeal of Lee here: He can work as an offensive hub for the bench, facilitating from the elbows and posting up backup bigs. Golden State will need his size at some point in the playoffs, but playing Lee cannibalizes either its small-ball weaponry or Speights’s playing time.
  Perhaps it’s just something Kerr can play by matchup; he ditched small ball during segments of the Memphis game, reinserting Green alongside Speights when he felt the team needed more size and defense. He wants to use a nine-man rotation once Golden State has its full roster, meaning we’ll eventually wave good-bye to Leandro Barbosa, Brandon Rush, and Festus Ezeli.
  Kerr can mix and match the pieces night to night. Curry and Livingston have played together more of late, an arrangement that compensates for Livingston’s shooting issues and frees Thompson to lead bench units when Curry rests. Speights will slump at some point, leaving some minutes at center for Lee. But when Speights is rolling, there might be times when the Warriors simply don’t need Lee much.   科尔可以随时调整他的阵容。库里最近和利文斯顿一起上场的时间比较多,这个安排弥补了利文斯顿的投篮问题,并且解放了汤普森,让他在库里休息时领导替补阵容。斯贝茨状态不好时,会给李在中锋位置上留出一些时间。不过当斯贝茨状态正佳时,那时候勇士就基本不需要李了。
  “Guys will have to sacrifice,” Kerr says. “And that’s hard.”
  In a theoretical world in which Golden State doesn’t need Lee, it absolutely has to look into trading him. Green is a free agent this summer, and though he’s only a fourth or fifth starter, he’s a perfect puzzle piece on a good team; someone is offering him $10 million. If Golden State retains him at that rate, it could rocket about $10 million over the projected tax line1 if it also keeps Lee and Iguodala.
  The Warriors have never paid the tax and in recent seasons have made small last-minute deals to duck under it. Their owners are swimming in money, but are they really willing to pay more than $100 million just to field a team next season? It would seem they have to trade someone in the interim.
  If I were a betting man, I’d bet on this: Golden State rides it out this season and waits until the offseason to cut payroll. The Warriors are not in the tax this season, and they think they can win the title. They are not going to harm the roster now to settle next season’s payroll issues. This is not Oklahoma City.
  This is not to say the Warriors won’t chase deals in which they might dump Lee, or even Iguodala. They will make calls. If they can find trades that tidy up next year’s books without handicapping the current team — and without sending more first-round picks away — they’ll of course do them.
  Those deals will be hard to find. Lee earns more than $15 million per year on a contract that runs through next season. No one is eager to swallow that contract without getting some sweetener in return, and the Warriors are already out one future first-round pick and four second-rounders.
  And they’ll need everyone to chase the title. The 2011 Mavs needed Peja Stojakovic and J.J. Barea. The Heat needed Mike Miller at the right moments. The Spurs might not have gotten by Oklahoma City last season without some scintillating minutes from Cory Joseph.   他们需要让每一个人都投身争夺总冠军的行动中。201 1年的小牛有佩贾·斯托贾科维奇和JJ·巴里亚。热火在适当的时候有了麦克·米勒。去年如果没有科里·约瑟夫的优异表现,马刺也许过不了雷霆这关。
  Golden State clearly doesn’t need Lee to be great. We know that. But that’s different than saying it doesn’t need him to win the title. He might be a hair less expendable than Iguodala, which sounds weird, since the Warriors are 21-3 without Lee — and have a long history of excelling without him.
  Look at their front line. Ezeli is working on that righty jump hook, but it’s awkward, and he can’t catch the ball. Bogut is hurt again. It’s easy to say the Warriors can’t win the title without Bogut. Duh. But what if he’s nicked up for two weeks in May, and the Warriors need to win one round without him before he returns healthy?
  You’ll need Lee for that. They damn near beat the Clippers last season by going super-small, sticking Lee or Green at center, and spreading the floor for a lethal drive-and-kick attack.①
  You probably can’t do that without Lee, meaning that if you deal him for cap relief, you better be damn confident in Ezeli and/or net a quality big man back somehow. That could be a buyout guy. Maybe it’s a big on an expiring contract, with the other team willing to take on Lee’s deal for just a single future second-rounder. You could construct workable Lee/Brook Lopez and Lee/Amar’e Stoudemire scenarios, but those deals come with obvious pitfalls.
  Most league executives expect Lopez to exercise his player option for next season, meaning he offers no certain cap relief. Stoudemire is a true expiring who is scoring well, but he makes Lee look like Bill Russell on defense.
  Losing Iggy might hurt less, since the Warriors are stacked on the wing. But he’s a versatile piece who is key to what they do on both ends, especially on defense. They could at least chip away at next season’s tax bill over the summer by dealing Livingston, whose contract is only 50 percent guaranteed in 2016-17. He’s a good player but something of a luxury for a team with so much wing and guard talent.
  That would hurt next season, but plenty of teams chasing titles have absorbed a less-than-ideal fiscal year. That’s the price of drafting and signing good players. The Warriors have a chance to win the whole thing this season. It’s way too early to declare them favorites, but they’re in the inner circle. That’s precious territory. Tread carefully.
黛比·艾伦舞蹈学院(DADA)是一家坐落于洛杉矶的知名非营利性舞蹈学校,如果你给学校打去电话,电话另一边响起的可能是一名男子的嗓音。尽管这个男子不是一名训练有素的接线员,也不是一位职业舞者,但他会仔细聆听你的电话。如果你想了解DADA,他可以讲解得细致入微。如果你想咨询特定的课程设置,他也可以给你中肯的建议。  而如果你想聊聊篮球,接电话的这个男子同样也可以和你说上几句。在2001年帮助妻子(演员
今秋,阿迪达斯推出了全新D Rose 773 TD外场篮球鞋款,将与D Rose 773 III一起,来迎接风城之子德里克·罗斯的回归。这款D Rose 773 TD作为罗斯团队场上系列的入门级室外战靴,在整体设计灵感上汲取了773系列一贯的罗斯元素,让人能够一眼就看清球鞋的主人。这双轻质、耐磨的球鞋和其承载的罗斯家乡穆雷公园的荣耀,将陪伴篮球爱好者们在篮筐下挥洒热血、挥斥青春。  D Rose
作为匹克品牌为旗下签约NBA锋线球星打造的飓风系列球鞋,自诞生之初便以提供球员卓越保护性能和无限腾飞动力为核心出发点。飓风三代将一如系列战靴前辈们那般提供强悍支撑、超强保护,而它也必将在球场上成为前锋球员们攻城拔寨的又一利器。  与匹克闪电系列战靴相同,飓风系列战靴从初代诞生就具备着鲜明的特点,内靴、中高帮、束紧科技、扎实用料。在超高强度的篮球比赛当中,锋线球员频繁地完成防守、卡位、争抢篮板、内线
有的时候,球鞋品牌发布新品时常会谈及重要比赛。如你所知,PF Flyers的设计思路就是为了帮助孩子们“跑得更快,跳得更高”。所以,当你看到Under Armour ClutchFit Drive战靴时——就像每一个公司的官方宣传一样——“是为那些需要轻便、支持性球鞋的篮球运动员而设计的,它可以甩掉防守者,当冲击篮下时让你感觉稳定”之际,是的,我们可以想像你起初看到这种说法时会多么疑惑。  请参考
现在是周五的晚上,NBA娱乐公司的视频拍摄团队,湖人的时代华纳体育网以及Showtime(正在拍摄纪录片《科比·布莱恩特的沉思》)团队的工作人员全都挤进了湖人的训练室。  这个狭小的房间是留出来用于球员接受治疗和恢复的,它紧邻球队的更衣室,为了保护隐私,它的大门通常都紧闭着。在一些没有合适训练室的老体育馆里,湖人的训练师加里·维蒂会拉起窗帘或者其他隔离物——如果他真的没事情忙,他甚至会用运动胶带在
AND 1已经不再想做曾经的那个AND 1了,人们关于AND 1的记忆就是它和街头篮球的联系,以及它印在T恤衫背面的机智的垃圾话(比如:我运球突破你那么多次,你应该收点儿过路费)。现在不同了,像所有正在经营的公司一样,AND 1想被人们所知的是它现在的产品,它现在正在做的工作,而不是它曾经的成就。  当然,口号和行动不是一码事,说大话总是很简单的。当一家公司试图改革时,它总会遭遇到一些固有的问题。
黄金十月,赛事回归!NBA新的赛季即将打响,热爱篮球的中国球迷们也在跃跃欲试,用崭新的装备和面貌等待新一轮风潮的崛起。值此之际,全球知名运动品牌阿迪达斯携手篮球巨星德里克·罗斯推出全新罗斯系列产品,将绽放的玫瑰图案从镁光灯下的赛场下延续到日常街头的潮流中。让所有喜欢罗斯的球迷们在生活中的每一刻都能将热爱的球星的装备穿于身上,记于心中。  罗斯是当之无愧的巨星,灵活闪动,侵略如火!最强的球员当然要配
迈克尔·刘易斯的《魔球》让全世界看到了体育领域的数据分析,随着达雷尔·莫雷这一类靠数据分析起家的逐渐成为球队高管,再加上SportVu系统的应用,数据统计分析已经成为了NBA极为重要的一部分。但统计研究的毕竟只是既成事实,对未来最多只有参考意义。  假如有统计信息能够预知未来?  15个月前,一支NBA球队将一名很有前途的年轻球员X送到了位于加州圣巴巴拉一个名叫“尖峰表现项目”(P3)的机构,那是
德里克·罗斯在这个夏天已经向世人宣告他的强势回归,阿迪达斯为他推出了全新的D Rose Lakeshore让球迷在街头也能感受罗斯在这个夏天袭来的热力。这款D Rose Lakeshore作为一款罗斯系列的街头文化鞋款,在整体设计上,全新设计的大底是此款球鞋的最大亮点;而在配色上,多款的亮色也让这款D Rose Lakeshore在这个夏天的街头带给你舒适时尚的体验。  D Rose Lakesh
在1990年代中期,那个家伙在北卡罗来纳的大学中叱咤风云,他正在篮球鞋市场上打破一项项纪录。不,不是你想的那个家伙,不是你想的那所学校,不是你想的那个品牌。  这个家伙是格兰特·希尔,刚刚在杜克大学结束伟大的篮球生涯,在1994-95的新秀赛季却表现得更加出色的人,他是年度最佳新秀,他发布了自己的FILA签名球鞋,而且根据报道这双鞋的销量达到了150万双。这是继Air Jordan 1以来,签名球