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1998年8月成立的湖南三立集团股份有限公司,顺应市场经济形势,抓住机遇,大力实施低成本扩张战略,经过三次大的扩张和技术改造,目前已发展成为集硫化锌矿采、选、冶于一体的国家中二型企业,实现了企业大发展、效益大提高、职工收入大增加。1998年集团完成工业总产值10060万元(90年不变价),比1996年增长221.3%;实现销售收入14800万元,比1996年增长292.3%;实现利税2451万元,比1996年增长484.9%;员工年人均工资收入7430元,比1997年增长112.9%。三立集团的发展壮 Hunan Sanli Group Co., Ltd., established in August 1998, follows the market economy and takes the opportunity to vigorously implement the strategy of low-cost expansion. After three major expansion and technological transformation, Hunan Sanli Group Co., Ltd. has now developed into a mining, Smelting in one of the countries in the second type of enterprises, to achieve the great development of enterprises, greatly enhanced efficiency, greatly increased employee income. In 1998, the Group completed a total industrial output value of 100.6 million yuan (unchanged at 90 years), an increase of 221.3% over 1996; its sales revenue reached 148 million yuan, an increase of 292.3% over 1996; profits and taxes were realized at 24.51 million yuan, an increase of 484.9% ; Per capita annual salary of employees 7430 yuan, an increase of 112.9% over 1997. Sanli Group’s development strong
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新形势下做好农行办公室工作应注意以下几点: 一、强化“两个意识”。首先要强化全局意识,做到统筹兼顾。要紧紧围绕业务经营的重点、难点、热点,抓住影响全局的关键性、苗