育才路上的开拓人 陕西省审计厅退休干部臧其恕办学事迹

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臧其恕先生,江苏省新沂县人,十八岁进入行政机关工作,中共党员,曾先后任西安市雁塔区大雁塔街道办事处副主任、区审计局副局长、陕西省审计厅培训中心副主任。先后二十多次被评为先进工作者、优秀党员。一九九零年被陕西省审计厅、省机关工委评为优秀党员。一九九二年经批准提前离岗从教,一九九四年退休。现任西安同仁教育学团董事长、学校党支部书记、陕西省老科学技术教育工作者协会常务理事、同仁教育学团分会会长、雁塔区政协委员,中国陶行研究会理事、陕西省陶行知研究会常务副会长、中国教育家协会理事、全国民办教育管理委员会常务理事、全国民办高校管理委员会常务理事。 Mr. Zang Qishu, a native of Xinyi County, Jiangsu Province, joined the executive authorities at the age of eighteen, a member of the Communist Party of China who has successively served as Deputy Director of the Greater Wild Goose Pagoda Sub-district Office in Yanta District, Xi’an, deputy director of the District Audit Office and deputy director of the Auditing Department of Shaanxi Province director. Has more than twenty times been rated as advanced workers, outstanding party members. In 1990 by the Shaanxi Provincial Auditing Department, the provincial agencies work committee as outstanding party members. In 1992, he was approved to leave his job early and retired in 1994. The current chairman of Xi’an Education Education Group, Party branch secretary of the school, Shaanxi province science and technology educators association executive director, collegiate education group branch, Yanta CPPCC members, China Tao Bank Research Association, Shaanxi Province Tao Executive vice president of the Institute of Knowledge, the Chinese Educators Association, the Standing Committee of the National Private Education Management Committee, executive director of the National Institute of private colleges and universities.
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