为进一步规范刊物发行工作,按照经营与采编分离的原则,由我社主管主办的《先锋队》杂志,2017年决定以招标方式,甄选发行代理合作单位,欢迎有实力的公司单位参与竞标。凡欲投标者须提供企业法人执照副本(复印件)、组织机构代码证副本(复印件)、税务登记证副本(复印件)及其他投标资质相关材料。投标时间为2016年10月30日至2016年11月7日,逾期不再受理。联系人:王淑英姚学兵电话:0351--3046530 3098752手机:13753167557 Email:337301681@qq.com
In order to further standardize the issue of publications, in accordance with the principle of separating management from production and editing, the “Vanguard” magazine hosted by the head of CCS decided in 2017 to invite bidders to issue and cooperate agencies and invite competent corporate units to participate in the bidding. Every bidder should provide a copy of the corporate license (photocopy), a copy of the organization code certificate (copy), a copy of the tax registration certificate (copy) and other materials related to the tender qualifications. Tender time for the October 30, 2016 to November 7, 2016, the deadline is no longer accepted. Contact: Wang Shuying Yao Xuebing Tel: 0351--30465303098752 Mobile: 13753167557 Email: 337301681@qq.com