全国拥军优属拥政爱民工作会议在京召开 温家宝出席命名表彰大会并作重要讲话

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本刊讯全国双拥工作领导小组、民政部、总政治部1月8日至9日在北京召开全国拥军优属拥政爱民工作会议。9日上午,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝出席在人民大会堂举行的命名表彰大会,并亲切会见与会代表。温家宝代表党中央、国务院、中央军委在命名表彰大会上作了重要讲话。他指出,拥军优属、拥政爱民是中国共产党领导下我国亿万军民的伟大创造,是我党我军我国人民的优良传统和特有的政治优势。历史充分证明:无论是战争年代还是和平建设时期。双拥工作都是一项带有全局性、战略性的工作。是我们战胜困难、夺取胜利的重要法宝。 温家宝指出,当前和今后一个时期,双拥工作要重点抓好几个方面:第一,要以“三个代表”重要思想统领双拥工作,始终 Our correspondent led the double-support work group, Ministry of Civil Affairs and General Political Department of the People’s Republic of China from January 8 to January 9 in Beijing to hold a national meeting of supporters and loyal people. On the morning of the 9th, Standing Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council attended the naming convention in the Great Hall of the People and met the participants cordially. On behalf of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, Premier Wen Jiabao made an important speech at the naming ceremony. He pointed out that supporting the superior army and supporting the government and love the people are the great creations of hundreds of millions of military and civilian personnel under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and are the excellent traditions and unique political advantages of our party, our army and our people. History has proved that neither the war years nor the period of peace building. Double support work is a global, strategic work. It is an important magic weapon for us to overcome difficulties and win victories. Wen Jiabao pointed out: At present and for a certain period in the future, the work of double-support should focus on several aspects. First, we must take the important task of “three represents”