The patient was a 53-year-old male who presented with nine months of unhealthy swallowing. No fever, no sweats, weight loss and pruritus. Physical examination showed no significant enlargement of lymph nodes. Wechsler’s ring (a), liver and spleen is not palpable, abdominal mass without mass, no tenderness. Chest and lateral view shows: Cardiopulmonary mediastinal no active lesions. “B” ultrasound and various blood tests are within the normal range. In April of 84 years, the esophagogram showed: “The upper thoracic esophagus has an 8cm long tincture filling defect with a smooth edge and is suspected to be esophageal leiomyoma.” On May 28, 84, “Esophageal tumor resection.” Intraoperative findings: "The upper esophagus