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他7岁开始练习体操,17岁进入国家体操队,1982年第六届世界杯体操赛上,年仅19岁的他一人独得男子全部7枚金牌中的6枚,创造了世界体操史上的神话,被誉为“体操王子”。在17年的运动生涯中,他共获得国内外重大体操比赛金牌106枚,1999年,被世界体育记者协会评选为“二十世纪世界最佳运动员”。1989年退役后,创立了“李宁”体育用品品牌,从而开创了中国体育用品品牌经营的先河。经过二十多年的发展,“李宁”早已成为中国体育用品的第一品牌,他也从优秀运动员转型为成功企业家。正如“李宁”的广告语那样,他实现了“Anything is possible——一切皆有可能”到“Make the Change——让改变发生”的承诺。徐淑英老师的谦卑总裁研究中,他也是其中一个典范,今天让我们通过100人的问答去感受“体操王子”“成功商人”背后谦卑的李宁! He started practicing gymnastics at the age of seventeen and entered the national gymnastics team at the age of seventeen. At the 1982 World Gymnastics Championships in 1982, he was only 19 years old and won six of the seven gold medals in all. This created the myth of world gymnastics history, Known as “gymnastics prince ”. In the 17 years of sports career, he won a total of 106 gold medals in major gymnastics competitions at home and abroad. In 1999, he was named “The Best Athlete in the World in the 20th Century” by the World Sports Press Association. After retiring in 1989, he founded “Li Ning” sportswear brand, thus creating a precedent for the Chinese sportswear brand management. After more than two decades of development, “Li Ning” has become the first brand of China’s sporting goods, and he has also transformed from a good athlete to a successful entrepreneur. Like the slogan “Li Ning,” he has promised “Anything is possible - Everything is possible ” to “Make the Change - let change happen ”. Hsu Shu-ying, the humble president of the study of the president, he is one of the paradigms, today let us through the 100 question and answer to feel “gymnastics ” “successful businessman ” humble Li Ning behind!
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