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内容:开关电灯目的:1.使学生初步认识几种常用电灯开关和用法,以及照明与防近,安全用电等方面的常识。2.指导学生学会使用拉线开关,平开关和按纽开关等开关电灯的技能。3.教育学生养成随手关灯,节约用电的好习惯。过程:一、启发谈话,揭示课题:1.(出示各种灯的幻灯)小朋友,这些是什么? Content: Switching Light Objectives: 1. To enable students to initially understand several commonly used light switches and usage, as well as lighting and anti-recent, safe use of electricity and other common sense. 2. Guiding students to learn the use of cable switches, switches and push-button switches, and other switching light skills. 3. Education Students develop readily turn off the lights, saving electricity a good habit. Process: First, to inspire conversation, reveal the subject: 1. (Show a variety of lamp slide) Children, what are these?
9月21日,宁波市在2007年中国宁波人才科技周新闻发布会上发布了该市的人才紧缺指数。据悉,这是国内首次统计和发布人才紧缺指数。人事部人才流动开发司司长毕雪融认为, On S