Objective: To study the protective effect of total flavonoids (totalflavonoid sofastragalus) on ischemia-reperfusion injury. METHODS: The rabbit hemorrhagic shock/reperfusion model (shock/repercusion, S/R) was used to observe the change of nitric oxideend (NO) end-product nitrite (NO2) in plasma and TFA after injury. The effects of chloroquine (Chlq) treatment with the phospholipase A2 blocker. RESULTS: The data showed that plasma NO2 content was positively correlated with the decrease of plasma pH and total carbon dioxide (TCO2) within 24 hours after S/R; TFA and Chlq could block NO reduction to a certain extent and maintain the body’s acid and alkalinity. Balance has a role. Conclusion: TFA has a protective effect on ischemia-reperfusion injury.