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在目前高度消费主义的商业世界里,设计与价值一直被架设着“=”号,设计为商业裹挟着不断向前。我们不讳言商业规则的重要性,但在商业浓厚的这个时代,回归设计本心才是清流。2016,现代装饰传媒奖再度起航,以“为真实的世界设计”之名,汇聚全球设计力量,以传媒专业敏锐的眼光,嘉奖年度设计佳作,见证设计的发展,引领艺术的潮流,开启本年度设计的绚丽华章。时光飞逝,现代装饰又一次迎来设计界的年度盛事,12月5日18点30分,深圳湾畔,第十四届(2016)现代装饰国际传媒奖于蛇口希尔顿南海酒店隆重 In the current highly consumerism business world, design and value have been erected “” = number, designed to keep the business forward. We do not deny the importance of business rules, but in this era of strong business, return to the design of the heart is pure. In 2016, the Modern Decoration Media Awards set sail again to “design for a real world” under the name of “Designing the Real World” to bring together the global design forces. With a keen eye for media professionals, the annual design masterpiece was honored, witnessing the development of design and leading the trend of art, This year’s brilliant design gorgeous chapter. Time flies, modern decoration once again ushered in the annual event of the design industry, at 18:30 on December 5, Shenzhen Bay, the fourteenth (2016) Modern Decoration International Media Awards grand night at the Hilton Nanhai Hotel Shekou
清明  去父母坟地的时候  脚下的麦苗还很软  倒下去的麦子  第二天还会站起来  这和我跪下的膝盖相似  能面对更多的  喜悦  或者忧伤的事物  茅草  春天可以吃茅草包裹着的茅衣  青蛙就在水边唱着  趁着茅衣还嫩  我们拔起这些原野上的早醒者  不然他们就会在热烈的阳光里  挥动着白色的手臂  花朵都开放的时候  茅草只站在花木下  收紧他们的甜蜜  这些滋味  我们只能在泥土中找寻  棠