Patient, female, 46 years old. Admission diagnosis: (1) hypertension into the phase Ⅱ, (2) coronary heart disease. November 1, 1995 admission, past history of drug allergy. Blood pressure BP16 / 12kPa, P74 ~ 78 times / min; Clinical biochemistry: cholesterol 4.9mmol / L, triglyceride 1.56mmol / L; Echocardiography: (1) left atrial slightly larger, reduced left ventricular compliance, left ventricular Mild hypertrophy, (2) mild mitral regurgitation; readme dizziness, chest discomfort. Doctor’s advice: isosorbide dinitrate (heartburn) 10mg, tid; nitrendipine 10mg, bid oral. After the patient took the first heartburn, the self-sensed stomach had discomfort. After the first day of taking the dose, the patient felt thigh muscle pain at night, gradually increasing to obstruction of movement. The pain was unbearable for about 1 hour and the pain gradually decreased. 2d morning and served 10mg, the symptoms are present, ward rounds suffering