【摘 要】
早春时节,就在我爷爷中风的一个月前,我开始每天下午都步行一个小时。有的时候,我会往南走四个街区去看我爷爷和奶奶。86岁的爷爷还是一名很不错的园丁,我总会看着他花园里春天的第一批花盛开,看着春花一波一波地绽放。 那一年,我对花特别感兴趣,因为我打算布置自己的院子了,因此,我很想听听爷爷的意见。我以为我已经很清楚自己要怎么做——满院子的灌木和其它每年从五月到十一月都开花的植物。
"I was born in Germany. German is my mother language. I grew up in German culture, but you have to make me say, ‘I am Chinese.' To be honest,I've told myself, ‘I'm not!'" LiyaYu, a German-born Chinese
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梁碧滢 译 James Blunt无疑是2005年度欧美主流乐坛最让人惊喜的“黑马王子”。这位曾经在战乱的科索沃率领3万英国维和部队的上尉,用他那伤感而沙哑的嗓音和一首凄美得让人不能不为之动容心碎的《You Are Beautiful》,攻陷了众多乐迷的心。今年三月,在有英国“格莱美”之称的“英国流行音乐大奖”颁奖典礼上,他一举摘取“最佳流行艺人”和“最佳男歌手”两个重要奖项,而他首张专辑《
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
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小兰 译 Some lonely Americans are 1)eschewing Internet dating and instead putting their faith in feng shui in a bid to find their romantic soul mates. It is not yet a common sight to see feng sh
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yoyo 译 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。BT的流行速度实在令人瞠目结舌。今天你BT了吗?如果你现在还不知道BT,似乎你在Internet上销声匿迹的时候也到了。要不然会在网络上被讥笑成“菜鸟级”的小虾哦!好了好了,小虾米们也别着急,为了避免大量网络新人的流失,以及促进祖国IT行业的繁荣。大家就一起来简单地了解一下这个俗称的变态下载吧!^0^ (Tracy) Movie
乐在其中 译 New Page 1There was once a little man whose mother made him a beautiful suit of clothes. It was green and gold and woven so that I cannot describe how delicate and fine it was, and there was a