Research on Characteristics of Density Current Under the Action of Waves

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooo2005net
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In this paper,the characteristics of density current under the action of waves are describedwith the help of flume experiment and theoretical analysis.The study shows that turbid water under the ac-tion of the waves can present three types of motion,i.e.significant stratification,fragile stratification andstrong mixing.The motion of turbid water presents significant stratification when(H/D)/△ρ/ρ~(1/2)≤4.5,generally this state is known as density current.The formulas of motionvelocity,thickness,and discharge of density current moving on horizontal bottom are derived by use of ba-sic equations such as momemtum equation,equation of energy conservation and continuity equation offluid.The time-average velocity and the thickness of density current under the action of waves have a rela-tionship with such parameters as relative density(△ρ/ρ),wave height(H),and water depth(D).Whenthese parameters are determined,the time-average thickness and motion velocity of density current are al-so determined.The relat In this paper, the characteristics of density current under the action of waves are described with the help of flume experiment and theoretical analysis. The study shows that turbid water under the ac-tion of the waves can present three types of motion, iesignificant stratification, fragile stratification andstrong mixing.The motion of turbid water presents significant stratification when (H / D) / Δρ / ρ ~ (1/2) ≤4.5, generally this state is known as density current. These formulas of motionvelocity, thickness, and discharge of density current moving on horizontal bottom are derived by use of ba-sic equations such as momemtum equation, equation of energy conservation and continuity equation offluid.The time-average velocity and the thickness of density current under the action of waves have a rela -tionship with such parameters as relative density (Δρ / ρ), wave height (H), and water depth (D) .Whenthese parameters are determined, the time-average thickness and motion velocity of density current are al-s o determined.The relat
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2014年诺贝尔物理学奖授予为开发Ga N基高亮度蓝光发光二极管(LED)而做出先驱性工作的三位科学家。作者在阐释了这三位科学家的获奖理由以及蓝光LED对人类社会的重要意义后,
摘要:随着江苏省中高职衔接项目的不断推广,中间存在的问题也日益显现,其中课程衔接是一大重点、难点。本文从中高职衔接存在的主要问题及相应对策进行了具体阐释。  关键词:中高职衔接;课程设置  中图分类号:G712文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)19-019-2  教育部副部长鲁昕在2010年全国职业院校技能大赛上提出,要将中职教育、高职教育和终身教育有效地衔接起来,促进人才的
[摘要] 中西文化传承主要体现在词汇与文化环境、句法与文化心态、中西方语言中的隐喻文化、语言与文化的函数关系、联想机制的心理投射以及翻译中的对等悖论。在汉英双语教育中,教师必须肩负起中西文化传承的重任,让学生在学习语言的同时掌握其中的文化精髓。  [关键词] 语言 双语教育 文化    语言的产生滋生于文化现实的沃土。人们通过感知,即依靠视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉、闻觉乃至直觉的主观心理,对外部的文化