分泌性中耳炎是耳鼻咽喉临床常见疾病之一,目前公认的有效方法是鼓膜切开引流置管,但通过我科1992~1999年间有详细治疗记录1246耳的回顾性分析,我们认为鼓膜置管法应慎重采取。现将资料总结分析如下。 临床资料 一、1246耳患者均以耳堵、听力下降为主要症
Secretory otitis media is one of the most common clinical diseases of otolaryngology. Currently, the most effective and effective method is the tympanotomy drainage and drainage catheter. However, retrospective analysis of 1246 ears with detailed treatment records from 1992 to 1999 shows that the tympanic membrane catheterization Should be taken cautiously. The data summarized as follows. A clinical data, 1246 patients with ear plugs, hearing loss as the main symptom