前列腺结石分真性和假性两类,真性结石临床上少见,国内仅见少数个案报道。我们遇到4例报道如下。临床资料例1 男,37岁。4年前由四丈高麦垛上摔下,会阴部碰在桌角上,造成尿道损伤,经中药治疗好转。3年来排尿困难,平时有脓性尿,约隔4—5天尿血一次,于1954年10月住院。体检:尿道球部处可扪一硬结,约拇指端大。肛诊:前列腺不大,可扪到绿豆大小结节
Prostate calculi true and false two categories, real stones clinically rare, only a handful of cases reported in China. We encountered 4 cases reported below. Clinical data example 1 male, 37 years old. Four years ago by the bar of wheat fell off, perineal touch on the table corner, resulting in urethral injury, the improvement of traditional Chinese medicine. 3 years dysuria, usually purulent urine, about every 4-5 days after hematuria, hospitalized in October 1954. Physical examination: urinary tract Department may be a palpable knot, about thumb large end. Rectal diagnosis: prostate is not large, palpable mung bean size nodules