磁场磁化技术是目前国际上研究的新课题。比利时、苏联等国研究的较早,应用范围也较广泛。我国在工业、畜牧业、医疗卫生以及其它领域都进行了探讨,均有不同程度的效果。在农业上,有用磁化水灌溉水稻的事例,较对照增产10%左右。我场经过考察后,从省和海伦县标准计量局引进了CHQ—V—CT型磁化器。进行了3年5个点次的小区试验或生产示范,均增产9%以上。 1.处理方法:磁化器为三组圆柱形磁铁並列组装。磁场强度为2500~3000高斯,磁程为16毫米。处理时,将磁化器用支架支起,从上面漏斗处
Magnetic field magnetization technology is currently a new topic of international research. Belgium, the Soviet Union and other countries studied earlier, the application is also more extensive. Our country has carried on the discussion in industry, animal husbandry, health care and other fields, all having the different degree of effect. In agriculture, the use of magnetized water irrigation rice cases, yield increased by about 10% compared with the control. After my field inspection, from the province and Helen County Bureau of Metrology introduced the CHQ-V-CT-type magnetizer. A 3-year, 5-point plot test or demonstration of production increased by more than 9%. 1. Treatment: magnetizer for the three cylindrical magnets side by side assembly. Magnetic field strength 2500 ~ 3000 gauss, magnetic path is 16 mm. When handling, support the magnetizer with the support from the funnel above