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在新的一年里,作为一个房屋消费者,您知道住房该买什么样的吗?如果您说不清楚,那么,请随着记者一起了解一下。为了得到权威的答案,记者走访了国家住宅与居住环境工程研究所的总建筑师赵冠谦先生。 记者(以下简称记):赵总您好,随着新年的到来,许多新的房地产项目又将面市,请您从专业设计师的角度预测一下今年哪种类型的住房将会被大家广泛认可,或者说在新的一年里购房者应该关注哪种类型的房地产。 赵冠谦(以下简称赵):可以。购房者对住房需求的目的是多种多样的,用简单的几句话就说出哪种房子会被 In the new year, as a home consumer, do you know what kind of housing to buy? If you do not know, then please follow the reporter to understand. In order to get the authoritative answer, the reporter visited Mr. Zhao Guanqian, chief architect of the National Institute of Residential and Living Environment Engineering. Reporter (hereinafter referred to as record): Hello, General Zhao, with the arrival of the New Year, many new real estate projects will be available again, from the perspective of professional designers predict what type of housing this year will be widely recognized by everyone, Or in the new year buyers should pay attention to what type of real estate. Zhao Guanqian (hereinafter referred to as Zhao): Yes. Home buyers on the purpose of housing demand is varied, with a few simple words to say what kind of house will be
现房是实实在在的,但看房也要精心,毕竟,买房是件大事情。通过很多朋友购房的经验,我总结出了看现房该注意哪些方面,给准备购买现房的人们提个醒。 The existing house is
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