未曾想,1976年7月28日一场震惊世界的灾难降临在我国冀东大地,瞬间一座现代化的工业城市——唐山在睡梦中被夷为平地,24万余人罹难,经济损失高达百亿元(当时值),这是20世纪世界上最为惨重的大劫难。 唐山大震灾距今已过去27年,血的教训怎能忘记?痛定思痛,我们越来越充分的意识到,在我们这个地震灾害严重的国家,要想最大限度地减轻地震灾害,必须努力提高全民族的防震减灾意识,坚持以“预防
Never mind that on July 28, 1976, a disaster that hit the world came to the earth in Jidong, a modern industrial city in an instant. Tangshan was asleep in its sleep, leaving more than 240,000 people dead and losing more than 10 billion yuan in economic losses Yuan (current value), which is the most tragic catastrophe in the world in the 20th century. Tangshan earthquake stricken the past 27 years, how can we forget the lesson of blood? Bitter experience, we are more and more fully aware that in our country with serious earthquake disaster, in order to minimize the earthquake disaster, we must strive to improve The national earthquake prevention and disaster reduction awareness, adhere to the "prevention