肇源县与吉林省松原市一江之隔,属黑龙江省第一积温带,年有效积温为2 900~3 100℃,年均无霜期143天,常年花生播种面积15万亩以上。过去由于栽培水平落后和品种严重退化,花生产量一直不高。近几年,花生机械覆膜机的推广应用,同时引进新品种临花6号,并且采用了大垄双行覆膜技术,花生产量明显提高,2014年平均亩产245kg,亩增收185元。取得良好经济效益。现将主要栽培技术介绍如下。
Zhaoyuan County and Songjiang City, Jilin Province across the river, belonging to the first accumulated temperate zone in Heilongjiang Province, the effective accumulated temperature of 2 900 ~ 3 100 ℃, the average frost-free period of 143 days perennial perennial sown area of 150,000 mu or more. In the past, peanut production had been low due to backward cultivation and serious degeneration of cultivars. In recent years, the popularization and application of peanut mechanical laminating machine, while the introduction of a new variety Linhua 6, and the use of a large ridge double-line technology, peanut production increased significantly, in 2014 the average mu 245kg, mu income 185 yuan. Achieve good economic returns. Now the main cultivation techniques are as follows.