端正自身期望 摆正自身定位——谈党员干部必须想清的六个问题

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我是1999年参加工作的,回首这些年的工作实践,对如何当好一名合格的党员干部,我认为首先要想清六个问题,坚定理想信念,端正自身期望,摆正自身定位,才能专心致志、心无旁骛、脚踏实地地做好工作。——信念问题。理想信念是一名党员干部的党性之根、党性之魂。但一些党员干部表面上对马克思主义、对中国特色社会主义理论体系认同,实际上却存在不同程度的思想迷惘,对建设有中国特色社会主义事业缺乏信心,甚至私底下还会发表消极言论。习近平总书记指出:“我们共产党 I took part in the work in 1999. Looking back on the work practices in these years, I think we should first think of six issues, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, rectify our own expectations, and adjust our own position in order to be a qualified party member and cadre. Dedicated, focused, down to earth to do a good job. Faith problems. The ideal and conviction is the root of the party spirit and the soul of the party spirit of a party member and cadre. However, some party members and cadres have on the surface recognized Marxism and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics but actually have different degrees of ideological confusion, lack of confidence in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and even privately, they make negative remarks. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: ”Our Communist Party
摘 要:对国外仲裁机构的仲裁裁决在中国的承认和执行,我国加入的《纽约公约》和我国的《民事诉讼法》《仲裁法》作出了规定。但由于规定过于简单和原则,在具体的司法适用中存在很大争议,需要通过立法对该问题作出具体的规定。  关键词:国外仲裁机构 裁决 承认 执行    2009年4月,宁波中院对国际商会仲裁院于2007年9月21日在北京市作出的14006/MS/JB/JEM号仲裁裁决予以承认并执行。该裁定