自《语文教学通讯》(1992年第1期)将我做为“封面人物”刊出之后,我陆续收到了许多封来自全国各地(执笔者多数是青年教师)的信函。来信情意殷殷,询问颇多,或令我激奋,或让我惶恐。此时《语文教学通讯》编辑部约我为“青年教师之友”栏写点文字,于是,“将计就计”,一口气写下了《学与教的断想》这组短文,权做热情给我来信的青年朋友的总复吧! (一)天生我才必有用人是为了奋斗才来到世上的。生活旅程中,攀登处实多,平坦者盖寡。在逆境、困难面前,有志者往往是奋然而上、百折不挠,久经磨炼,终于开拓出了“柳暗花明”的新天地。历史上这样的例子举不胜举,我自己也有着几十年的亲身感受。20岁前,从小学到大学,我的生活可
Since the publication of “The Cover Letters” by the “Chinese Language Teaching Newsletter” (No. 1 of 1992), I have received many letters from all parts of the country (mostly the author is mostly young teachers). The letter was sentimental, asking a lot, or making me excited, or scared me. At this time, the editorial department of the “Chinese Teaching Newsletter” wrote me some text for the “Friends of Young Teachers” column. So, “I plan to count”, wrote a short essay “Imagination of Learning and Teaching” in a breath, giving me the right to do it. The reply to the young friend of the letter! (1) I will be useful only if I have come to the world to work hard. In the journey of life, there are many places to climb and there are many flats. In the face of adversity and difficulties, the people with lofty aspirations are often indulging in perseverance, being indomitable and persevering, and have been tempered for a long time, and they have finally opened up a new world of “willow blossoms”. There are so many examples in history. I myself have decades of personal experience. Before the age of 20, from elementary school to university, my life can be