NBA本来就是个“人外有人,天外有天”的江湖,在这个圈子里,偶有出言不慎, 就会招来“杀身之祸”。总的说来,说大话的人可以分为两类,一类是一时头脑发热, 说出了自己无法圆场的大话,最后弄得灰头土脸,给后人留下笑柄;另一类就是说话者天赋秉异,有实力作保,所谓的大话在很大程度上更是豪言壮语,总能成行,日后留下的尽是美誉。现在,让我们来回顾联盟历史上的传奇大话,以享众人。
NBA has always been a “people outside, outside the sky,” the arena, in this circle, occasional mistakes, it will recruit “fatal disaster.” In general, those who speak louder can be divided into two categories, one is a moment of fever, speak out their own can not rumor, the final disgrace, leave behind the joke; the other is the speaker talent Majesty, the strength to protect, the so-called big talk is to a large extent even more rhetoric, always go, leaving the best of all reputation. Now, let’s review the history of the Alliance legend to enjoy the crowd.