Research on Magnetomechanical Coupling Effect of Q235 Steel Member Specimens

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:veteran_eng
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In this study,magnetomechanical coupling tests were performed on Q235 solid round steel model specimens in NIM-200HF magnetomechanical coupling equipment.Hysteresis loops were obtained in different magnetic fields and stresses.Magnetization curves were also achieved at different stresses.Influence of the applied stresses on the hysteresis loops was investigated.The stress sensitive region and linear stress sensitive region of magnetic induction were determined for the model specimen according to the experimental data.The dependence relation of magnetic induction versus applied stresses was established,and the optimum magnetic field was determined in the stress sensitive range of magnetic induction,which builds a basis for nondestructive testing(NDT) of stress with the total magnetic flux for steel structure.Based on modified Jiles-Atherton’s model of magnetic hysteresis,the hysteresis loop for Q235 steel 4-mm diameter model specimen was numerically simulated,which was well consistent with the experimental results. In this study, magnetomechanical coupling tests were performed on NIM-200HF magnetomechanical coupling equipment. Hysteresis loops were obtained in different magnetic fields and stresses. Magnetization curves were also achieved at different stresses. Inluence of the applied stresses on the hysteresis loops was investigated. The stress sensitive region and linear stress sensitive region of magnetic induction were determined for the model specimen according to the experimental data. The dependence relation of magnetic induction versus applied stresses was established, and the optimum magnetic field was determined in. the stress sensitive range of magnetic induction, which builds a basis for nondestructive testing (NDT) of stress with the total magnetic flux for steel structure. Based on modified Jiles-Atherton’s model of magnetic hysteresis, the hysteresis loop for Q235 steel 4-mm diameter model specimen was numerically simulated, which was well consistent w ith the experimental results.
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