目的 了解2016年宁波市鄞州区首剂脊髓灰质炎(脊灰) 灭活疫苗(IPV) 纳入免疫规划(EPI) 对儿童脊灰疫苗(PV) 基础免疫的影响.方法 通过宁波市免疫规划信息管理系统收集PV免疫规划策略调整前后鄞州区3 -7月龄儿童的PV基础免疫数据,比较儿童PV接种率、IPV接种替代率和免疫程序构成特征.结果IPV纳入EPI前后鄞州区调查对象PV1接种率分别为97. 70%、98. 30% (OR =1. 24,95% CI: 1. 00-1. 55),PV1-3接种率分别为89. 48%、92. 56%(OR =1. 06,95% CI: 0. 96-1. 16),IPV1接种替代率为45. 67%、95. 17% (OR =27. 13,95% CI: 24. 25-30. 35),IPV1-3接种替代率分别为43. 11%、34. 32% (OR =0. 59,95% CI: 0. 54-0. 64).PV1免疫采用脊灰减毒活疫苗(OPV) 、IPV、无细胞百白破、灭活脊灰和流感嗜血杆菌联合疫苗(DTaP-IPV/Hib) 的儿童比例分别从54. 33%减少到4. 83%、从30. 43%上升到70. 77%、从15. 24% 上升到24. 39%.PV基础免疫采用OPV-OPV-OPV、 IPV-IPV-IPV、IPV-IPV-OPV程序的儿童比例下降,分别从54. 09% 到3. 76%、从29. 98% 到10. 49%、从1. 54% 到0. 53%,采用IPV-OPV-OPV、3剂次DTaP-IPV/Hib、其他程序的比例增高,分别从0. 89% 到59. 10%、从13. 13% 到23. 83%、从0. 37%到2. 30%.结论 首剂IPV纳入EPI对儿童IPV替代接种和PV免疫程序选择产生影响,但未对儿童PV接种率产生影响.“,”Objective To examine the impact of introducing inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) into the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) on primary immunization with polio vaccine (PV). Methods PV vaccination data for children aged 3 to 7 months were collected from the Ningbo Immunization Information System before and after the nationwide PV immunization strategy change. We analyzed PV coverage,IPV substitution rates,and sequences of primary PV vaccination. Results Before and after IPV introduction,coverage levels of PV1 were 97. 70% and 98. 30% (OR =1. 24,95%CI: 1. 00-1. 55); coverage levels of PV1-3 were 89. 48% and 92. 56% (OR =1. 06,95%CI: 0. 96-1. 16); IPV1 substitution rates were 45. 67% and 95. 17% (OR =27. 13,95% CI: 24. 25-30. 35); and IPV1-3 substitution rates were 43. 11% and 34. 32% (OR =0. 59,95%CI: 0. 54-0. 64). Before-and-after IPV introduction, proportions of children receiving respectively OPV,IPV,and DTaP-IPV/Hib for PV1 decreased from 54. 33% to 4. 83%, increased from 30. 43% to 70. 77%,and increased from 15. 24% to 24. 39%. Proportions of children using OPV-OPV-OPV,IPV-IPV-IPV,and IPV-IPV-OPV sequences decreased from 54. 09% to 3. 76%,from 29. 98% to 10. 49%,and from 1. 54% to 0. 53%,respectively. Proportions of children using IPV-OPV-OPV,3 doses of DTaP-IPV/Hib,and other sequences increased from 0. 89% to 59. 10%,from 13. 13% to 23. 83%,and from 0. 37% to 2. 30%,respectively. Conclusions Introduction of IPV into EPI changed IPV substitution rates and patterns of PV use,but did not have an effect on PV vaccination coverage among children.