1985年8月21~24日在加拿大温哥华举行的第六届国际生物湿法冶金学专题研讨会上,对利用微生物从矿石或废水中回收矿物质提出了各种评论。根据大规模或实验性的生产数字来看,用微生物学方法回收黄金在商业上似乎是可行的。Homestake采矿公司的James Whitlock报告了他们公司在美国南达科他州利德的金矿,正在使用一种以细菌为基础的系统来回收废水中的黄金。与此同时,Coastech研究有限公司(温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚,加拿大)
The 6th International Symposium on Biological Wet Metallurgy, held in Vancouver, Canada, from August 21 to 24, 1985, made various comments on the use of microorganisms to recover minerals from ore or wastewater. According to large-scale or experimental production figures, recovering gold microbiologically seems commercially feasible. James Whitlock of Homestake Mining reported that their company’s gold mine in Lid, South Dakota, USA, is using a bacteria-based system to recover gold from wastewater. At the same time, Coastech Research Co., Ltd. (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)