如果说狭义摄影追求的是对摄影材料和技术的完美把握,那么,影像艺术追求的则是超越技术的图式语言的展示。可以说,前者以摄影为艺术,后者为艺术而摄影,两者本质上的共同点在于使用了相同的媒介:相机(摄像机)、菲林,还有相纸。今天,影像艺术因其现代性和轻便、快捷、直接的特性,吸引了众多触觉敏锐的青年艺术家参与其中。潘育川便是其中的一员。 中国画家出身的潘育川,致力于影像艺术的探索已有十几年,由最初的摄影爱好者,到上个世纪90年代的黑白街景拍摄者,再到影像艺术的追求者,并以此成为广东影像艺术家族中的重要成员。
If narrative photography pursues the perfect grasp of photographic materials and techniques, the pursuit of visual art is beyond the display of pictorial language of technology. It can be said that the former takes photography as art and the latter as photography for art. The two essentially have in common the use of the same medium: camera (camera), film, and photographic paper. Today, video art attracts many young, sensual artists because of its modernity, portability, quickness and directness. Poon Yok Chuan is one of them. Pan Yuchuan, a Chinese painter, devoted himself to the exploration of video art for more than a decade. From the first photographers to black-and-white street photographers in the 1990s to video art suitors, An important member of the video art family.