1.选地整地栽培黄芪宜选择土层深厚、土质疏松、肥沃,排水保水良好的沙壤土或冲积土种植,土壤的p H值以7~8为宜。播前深翻60厘米左右,分层施足基肥,基肥包括足量农家肥和适量化肥。每亩(1亩=667平方米,下同)可施用碳酸氢铵50千克,过磷酸钙35~40千克,硫酸钾12千克。2.种子处理黄芪种子外皮有果胶质角质层,吸水能力差。种子的处理方法:将干种子兑上2~3倍的细沙,
1. Selection site preparation cultivation Astragalus should choose a deep soil, loose soil, fertile, well-drained and well-preserved sandy loam or alluvial soil planting, soil p H value of 7 to 8 is appropriate. Sowing before the depth of about 60 cm, stratification Shizujifei, base fertilizer, including adequate amount of manure and fertilizer. Each acre (1 mu = 667 square meters, the same below) can be applied ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg, 35 to 40 kg of superphosphate, potassium 12 kg. 2 seed treatment Astragalus seed pectin cuticle husk, poor water absorption. Seeds of the treatment: the dry seed on the 2 to 3 times the fine sand,