医疗查房是综合性医院的一项基本医疗制度,是提高医疗质量的重要保证,也是培养下级医务人员的有效措施之一。 1 调查方法 1.1 采用随机抽样的方法,按照医院总床位数的25%比例,对入院满1周的140位住院病人员进行“医疗查房满意度问卷调查”。
Medical rounds are a basic medical system in general hospitals, which is an important guarantee for improving the quality of medical care, and it is also one of the effective measures for training lower-level medical personnel. 1 Survey Method 1.1 Using a random sampling method, according to the proportion of 25% of the hospital’s total number of beds, 140 in-patients who have been admitted to the hospital for 1 week were subjected to a “survey survey of medical surveying satisfaction”.