在林林总总的蒋介石手令中,有一件是关于移民西北的,原文如下: “孔副院长、何总长:全国军队已定缩编三分之一。目前,中央党政军各机关官员太多,人浮于事,似可依照上述原则,裁减三分之一。此项被裁人员可作有计划之迁移,即准备分批移送至西昌与西北,从事于屯垦或开发实业等工?
Among the numerous Chiang Kai-shek bills, there is one article on immigrating to the northwest, which reads as follows: "Vice President Kong Ho, Chief Executive: The national army has been downsized by a third. At present, there are too many officers and officials of the Central Party, It seems that one-third of the reduction can be made according to the above principle, and the laid-off workers can make planned relocation, that is, they are going to be moved in batches to Xichang and the northwest for undertaking such work as planting or developing industries.