《收藏界》杂志喜迎十年华诞 2011影响中国收藏界十大事件·十大人物出炉——张宗宪、陈丽华、郭庆祥、刘红军、史国良、高为华、阎正、张正、陈震、程淑美上榜

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近日,在全国政协礼堂,举行了“2011影响中国收藏界十大事件”以及“获得2011年影响中国收藏界十大人物”颁奖典礼,同时,倍受业界瞩目的“国宝歌曲”的评选结果现场揭晓。此次“国宝征歌”活动历时四年,应征歌曲近2000首,由徐沛东、阎肃、任卫新等音乐界知名人士组成的评委会,对应征歌曲进行了多次评审,最终甄选出15首入围歌曲。 Recently, in the hall of the CPPCC National Committee, “2011 Top Ten Events Affecting the Chinese Collectors” and “2011 Top Ten Characters Affecting the Chinese Collectors” were held in the auditorium of the CPPCC. At the same time, “Treasure Songs The results of the selection was announced on the scene. The ”Treasure of the National Treasure" event lasted for four years and nearly 2000 songs were solicited. The jury composed of celebrities such as Xu Pei-Dong, Yan Su and Ren Weixin performed many reviews on the solo songs and finally selected 15 First entered the song.