公司党委部署“改革求生存 创新促发展”主题教育活动

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2014年是企业“抢抓机遇、求新求变”的攻坚年,也是公司审时度势、脱困搞活的关键年。为确保公司年度方针目标的实现,泸天化公司党委于近日发出《关于开展“改革求生存、创新促发展”主题教育活动的通知》,要求公司各级党组织认真组织开展主题教育活动,以此进一步深化“责任在肩、命运与共”系列活动主题,为促进企业生产经营改革发展和搞活脱困提供强大的精神动力和组织保障。 2014 is the crucial year for enterprises to “seize opportunities and seek new ways for change”, and it is also a crucial year for the Company to review the current situation and lift itself off from difficulties. In order to ensure the realization of the annual goal of the company, the party committee of Lutianhua recently issued a Notice on Carrying Out the Theme of “Survival, Innovation and Development” in order to carry out the “reform” and required the party organizations at all levels to conscientiously organize thematic education activities , In order to further deepen the theme of the series of activities such as “Responsibilities are shouldering, fate and co-ownership”, and provide strong spiritual motivation and organizational guarantee for promoting the reform and development of the production and operation of enterprises and invigorating the territory.