五、土壤盐份动态 1、土壤盐分与地下水矿化度的关系根据“盐随水来、盐随水去、水随气散、气散盐存的”道理,对于冲积平原来说,含有盐分的地下水是土壤盐渍化的物质基础。从试区调查结果表明,地下水矿化度的高低,直接影响土壤盐渍化的程度,呈现地下水矿化度低,土壤含盐量也低;地下水矿化高土壤盐渍化程度也加重的规律(见表5),抽咸井水质也是如此,第五、十号咸水井座落在土壤含盐量高的地区,其矿化度也高,因而淡化地下水对根除土壤盐渍化具有重要
V. THE DYNAMIC OF SOIL SALTS 1. Relationship between soil salinity and salinity of groundwater According to the principle that salt goes with water, salt goes with water, water disperses with air, and salt is dispersed with air, for the alluvial plain, Groundwater is the material basis of soil salinization. According to the results of the pilot area survey, the degree of salinity of groundwater directly affects the degree of soil salinization, showing the low salinity of groundwater and the low salt content of soil, and the salinity of groundwater mineralized and highly salinized soil is also increased (See Table 5). The same is true for saltwater pumping. Fifth and tenth saltwater wells are located in areas with high salt content in the soil and have a high degree of salinity, so desalination of groundwater is important for the eradication of soil salinization