
来源 :广西金融研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianzishu1981
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近年来,随着我国改革开放进一步扩大和社会主义市场经济不断发展,金融业在国民经济建设中扮演了越来越重要的角色。金融系统广大青年职工积极投身金融体制改革,为社会主义现代化建设和国民经济持续发展作出了积极的贡献。然而,在金融事业飞速发展的同时,一股资产阶级“拜金主义”、享乐主义”、“个人主义”思潮也在金融界一部分青年职工中滋生蔓延。在某些地区,金融企业青年员工思想混乱,缺乏共产主义信念,纪律涣散,法律观念淡簿,贪污挪用、监守自盗、行贿受贿、腐化堕落等现象时有发生,更有甚者,有的还伙同社会上的犯罪份子内外勾结,持枪抢劫金融营业网点和运钞车辆,严重地危害了国家资金和金融系统干部职工的生命安全,在社会上造成了极坏的影响。对此各金融单位务必高度重视,把教育和培养当代金融青年树立共产主义理想和全心全意为人民服务的高尚情操提到日程上来,并把它摆到思想教育工作中的首位。笔者认为,对这部分员工的思想政治工作,应着重抓好以下几个方面: In recent years, with the further expansion of China’s reform and opening up and the continuous development of the socialist market economy, the financial industry has played an increasingly important role in the national economic construction. The vast number of young workers in the financial system actively participated in the reform of the financial system and made positive contributions to the socialist modernization and the sustained development of the national economy. However, with the rapid development of the financial industry, a wave of bourgeois “money worship”, hedonism and “individualism” has also sprouted among a group of young workers in the financial sector .In some areas, young employees in financial enterprises are confused , The lack of communist beliefs, disciplinary sanctions, weaknesses in legal concepts, embezzlement, embezzlement, bribery, corruption and other phenomena occur from time to time, what is more, some also cooperate with the criminal elements inside and outside collusion, armed robbery Financial outlets and armored vehicles have seriously endangered the lives and safety of the state capital and financial system cadres and workers and have had a very bad influence in the society and all financial institutions must attach great importance to education and to cultivate contemporary financial youth The communist ideal and the noble sentiments of wholeheartedly serving the people mentioned the agenda and put it first in ideological education.
实现农村城市化、城市现代化,是国家和地区社会经济发展的必由之路。中共中央十四届三中全会《决定》对各地小城镇建设作出 Realizing rural urbanization and urban moder
PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)是一个小巧而功能强大的加密软件,操作也不十分复杂,正确掌握PGP的使用,无论对于商家还是客户,都是达到自我保护的重要手段。 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy
本文介绍了虚拟多机管理的技术,论述了虚拟多机管理系统的管理模式、多机目标文件的加载、虚拟多机中断以及虚拟多机管理中的窗口技术 This paper introduces the technology