Rachel Crow,一个14岁的非裔美国女孩,凭借在2011年美国音乐选秀节目X-factor中的不俗表现而备受关注。单曲“Mean Girls”选自Rachel Crow的首张同名专辑。这首歌曲调热烈,节奏顿挫,让人乍一听,很难相信这是一个14岁女孩的音乐作品。然而,整首歌曲却又分明唱出了这个处于青春期的非裔女孩的悲观与乐观、自卑与自信。“Mean Girls”是Rachel校园生
Rachel Crow, a 14-year-old African-American girl, is drawing attention for her impressive performance in the 2011 American music talent show X-factor. The single “Mean Girls” is from the first eponymous album by Rachel Crow. This song is hot, frustrated, at first glance, hard to believe it is a 14-year-old girl’s music. However, the whole song clearly singled out pessimism and optimism, inferiority and self-confidence of this adolescent African American girl. “Mean Girls ” is a Rachel campus student