象注塑机等行业使用的长度为100mm 左右的热电偶能否在常用热电偶校验炉上检定?热传导误差有多大?我们在现有炉子上做了以下试验。一、试验方法实验时用直径为3mm 的热电偶(因为直径越大,热传导的影响就越大,从左右两侧将被测热电偶(A)和辅助热电偶(B)插入卧式管状电炉中,(见图)由两者的测量值来求得热传导误差。
Thermocouples with a length of about 100 mm, such as those used in injection molding machines, can be checked on a common thermocouple calibration oven. What is the thermal conductivity error? We did the following on our existing furnace. First, the test method Experiment with a diameter of 3mm thermocouple (because of the larger diameter, the greater the impact of heat conduction, from the left and right sides of the thermocouple (A) and the auxiliary thermocouple (B) into the horizontal tubular electric furnace (See figure) from the measured values to determine the heat conduction error.