我原以为抄鱼是个简单的事,甚至认为离开抄网照样可以钓鱼,可现实中的两件事给了我极其深刻的教训: 那是1998年春季的一天下午,我与一位钓友去垂钓。当钓友钓到一条约重10千克的大草鱼时,我一时激动,生怕鱼跑掉便跳进河里去帮钓友捉大鱼。 “抄网、抄网”,尽管朋友提醒我用抄网,可他也情不自禁地冲下
I thought that copying a fish was a simple matter and even thinking that fishing away from a dip net could still be fishing. However, two things that can be done in reality give me an extremely profound lesson: One afternoon in the spring of 1998, I went with a fishing friend Fishing. When a fisherman caught a big grass carp with a weight of about 10kg, I was excited for fear that when the fish ran away, she jumped into the river and helped the fisherman to catch the big fish. “Dip net, dip net”, although my friend reminded me to dip net, but he also can not help but rushed down