患者王某,女,10岁,学生,滨州市人。1990年5月9日突然感觉右髋关节处呈持续性疼痛,内、外旋、曲伸受限且疼痛加重,无跳痛和红、肿、热指征,体温38.5~39.6℃,于同年5月14日住院。检查:血压、五官、颈椎、头颅、心肺、体表均正常,呼吸、脉搏加快.骨盆、右髋关节骶髂关节正位X光片无异常发现。髋关节前侧穿刺、未抽出液体,针尖内容物涂片镜检,红血球呈“++++”。血象:RBC3.8×10~(12)/L,WBC8.6×10~9/L,N0.64, L0. 36, Hb113g/L,ESR31.7mm/h,抗‘O’及类风湿乳胶试验均阴性。入院诊断:化脓性髋关节炎(右)。临床采用青霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、激素、维生素C等药治疗7d,体温及髋关节疼痛未减。5月19日去省立医院会诊,诊断相同,但不排除类风湿病。临床改用先锋霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、奈普
Patient Wang, female, 10 years old, student, Binzhou people. May 9, 1990 Suddenly felt the right hip joint was persistent pain, internal and external rotation, bending stretch limited and pain worse, without pain and redness, swelling, heat, body temperature 38.5 ~ 39.6 ℃, in the same year May 14 hospitalization. Check: blood pressure, facial features, cervical spine, head, heart and lung, body surface were normal, breathing, pulse speeding. Pelvic, right hip sacroiliac joint anteroposterior X-ray showed no abnormalities. Hip anterior puncture, did not pull out the liquid, the tip smear microscopy, red blood cells were “++++.” Blood: RBC3.8 × 10-12 / L, WBC8.6 × 10-9 / L, N0.64, L0.36, Hb113g / L, ESR31.7mm / h, anti ’O’ and rheumatoid Tests were negative. Admission diagnosis: suppurative arthritis (right). Clinical use of penicillin, amikacin, hormones, vitamin C and other drugs for 7 days, body temperature and hip pain was not reduced. May 19 to the provincial hospital consultation, the same diagnosis, but does not rule out rheumatoid. Clinical use of cephalosporins, amikacin, Navel