(2) 搞清目的,读准重音。在日常谈话中,我们为了清楚地表明某一思想,往往要着重强调某个词或词组,所强调的这个词或词组,我们就叫它重音,在朗读中也有人叫做重读。重音读得不准确,特别是文章中重点句子的重音不准确,语意就会模糊不清,中心思想的线就会中断,甚至会歪曲原意,闹出笑话。要准确把握重点,就要明确文章为什么要写这句话,搞清楚这句话和上下文的联系,它在全篇的位置和作用。
(2) Find out the purpose and read quasi accent. In daily conversations, in order to clearly show a certain thought, we often emphasize the word or phrase, and emphasize the word or phrase. We call it stress, and in reading aloud, we also call it rereading. Stress is inaccurately read, especially if the emphasis of the sentence in the article is inaccurate. The meaning of the sentence will be blurred, the line of the central thought will be interrupted, and even the original intention will be distorted and a joke will be made. To accurately grasp the key points, it is necessary to clarify why the article should write this sentence, to clarify the link between the sentence and the context, and its position and role in the whole chapter.