为解决预防噪声性聋这一普遍性问题,有必要将听功能检查法及评定噪声作用下听力下降的标准统一并规范化。为此,苏联医学科学院劳动卫生及职业病研究所于1965~1978年间对5,000名各种噪声职业工人进行了临床和实验性调查(采用纯音测听,部分工人采用了阈上和语言测听)。以此为基础,根据国际标准化组织(ISO R=1999-71)推荐的噪声听力下降标准评定原则(现已经由技术委员会ISO/TC43认可转变为ISO 1999-1975,我国正式译名为“声学一为听力保护对职业性噪声暴露的评价”。——编者),制定了《国家劳动安全标准:听力损失测定法》(TOCT 12.4.062-78,苏联国家标准委员会)。受噪声作用人员听力评定标准如下表:
In order to solve the universal problem of preventing deafness, it is necessary to harmonize and normalize the standard of hearing function test and assessment of hearing loss under the influence of noise. To this end, the Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences carried out clinical and experimental surveys of 5,000 noisy occupational workers (using pure tone audiometry and some workers using suprathreshold and language audiometry) from 1965 to 1978. Based on this, according to the standard of noise hearing loss standard recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO R = 1999-71) (now approved by Technical Committee ISO / TC43 as ISO 1999-1975, our country is officially renamed as “ Hearing Protection Assessment of Occupational Noise Exposure. ”- Editors) developed the National Labor Standards for Safety: Hearing Loss Test (TOCT 12.4.062-78, Soviet National Standards Commission). Listening standards by the role of noise in the following table: