
来源 :肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winston69
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病例报告例1 患者男,24岁,上腹痛11月,皮肤变黑4个月入院。81年9月起,饭前上腹胀痛,进食后减轻,无反酸嗳气,当地医院对症治疗,时好时差。后感食纳差,疼痛失去规律。82年4月钡餐造影及胃镜检查,诊断为“胃溃疡”,服药1个月后腹痛不明显。此后陆续出现颈部,四肢关节处,脐周,腋窝等皮肤皱折处变黑,粗糙,渐扩散至全身,微痒。当年7月转北京,各医院诊治,曾考虑为“阿狄森氏病”,后经皮肤活检,病理诊断为“黑棘皮病”。8月23日我院胃镜检查及活检证实为胃癌。 1982年9月18日手术,见胃窦区肿瘤,胃周及腹腔淋巴结广泛转移,少量乳糜腹水。行姑息性胃次全切除及胃空肠吻合术。术后病理报告为胃窦小弯侧溃疡型低分化腺癌,肿块7×5×1.5cm大小,肿瘤浸润胃壁全层,癌旁胃壁各层及下切缘多数淋巴管中有癌栓,淋巴腺转移,小弯侧7/7.部分融合成瘤块,大弯侧 Case Report Example 1 A male patient, 24 years old, suffered abdominal pain for 11 months, and his skin became dark for 4 months. Since September of the year 81, the upper abdomen has been pained before meals, relieved after eating, and has no acid reflux. Local hospitals are symptomatic and have a good time difference. After eating anorexia, pain loses regularity. In April of 82 years, barium meal and gastroscopy were diagnosed as “stomach ulcer”. After 1 month of medication, abdominal pain was not obvious. Since then, necks, joints at the extremities, umbilical cords, axillary fossa and other skin creases have turned black, rough, and gradually spread to the entire body, slightly itch. In July of that year, the hospital was transferred to Beijing. The hospitals were diagnosed and treated as “Addison’s disease.” After skin biopsy, the pathological diagnosis was “black acanthosis.” On Aug. 23, gastroscopy and biopsy in our hospital were confirmed as gastric cancer. September 18, 1982 surgery, see gastric antrum area tumor, gastric and abdominal lymph node metastasis, a small amount of milky ascites. Palliative subtotal gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy were performed. The postoperative pathology report was anteroacute ulcerated type poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gastric antrum. The size of the tumor was 7×5×1.5 cm. The tumor infiltrated the entire layer of the stomach wall. The tumors were located in the adjacent lymph nodes of the adjacent gastric cancer wall and the lower margin. Metastasis, small curvature side 7/7. Partial fusion into tumor mass, large curvature side
大大的脸庞,一直是爱美的MM们的心病,再漂亮的五官,放在一张大脸上,那漂亮,也是要被打了折扣的。怎样才能让脸变小一些呢?有7种小窍门,可以满足大脸女孩的愿望。    1.运动法:运动也可瘦脸!运动减肥的效果是全方位的,如果你的脸真的“肿”了,剧烈运动后的大量排汗,可有助于水分迅速排出体外。  2.饮食法:平日三餐中多吃那些可以消肿利湿的蔬果,如冬瓜等。如果你的脸是因肌肉硕大引起的肥胖,就请拒绝口香
Con A(刀豆球蛋白 A)和 PHA(植物血球凝集素)是目前研究得较多的两种植物凝集素。Con A 和 PHA 不仅作用于淋巴细胞,使其发生转化,而且对癌细胞也有一定的影响。Con A 作用
胸腺激素可促进T细胞成熟分化,调节免疫细胞功能,因而在免疫中起重要作用。T细胞在成熟过程中,将出现Lyt 1,2,3及绵羊红血球受体等表面标志和TDT。本研究以~3H-TdR和~3H-Leu
上海特种车辆装备有限公司是中国消防行业中的领军企业之一上海金盾实业集团与日本老牌消防企业、行业巨头森田株式会社强强联手打造的消防车辆装备企业。 Shanghai Special