儿童健康是全球高度关注的重要问题,联合国千年发展目标和可持续发展目标先后提出降低5岁以下儿童死亡率,避免可预防的死亡[1]。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)指出,药物治疗是最重要的干预措施之一,合理的药物治疗或预防,每年可避免810万5岁以下儿童死亡[2]。然而,儿童合理用药存在挑战,缺乏儿童专用药品剂型规格,用药剂量以成人剂
Child health is a major issue of great concern around the world. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals have successively proposed to reduce the mortality rate of children under 5 and prevent preventable deaths. [1] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drug treatment is one of the most important interventions and reasonable drug treatment or prevention can prevent 8.1 million deaths of children under five years of age each year. [2] However, there are challenges in rational drug use in children, the lack of dosage forms for children’s medicines, and the dosage of drugs for adults