西哈努克是中国人民最熟悉的外国友人之一,被亲切地称为“中国人民的老朋友”。他生前曾多次访问上海。1 963年2月18日,时任柬埔寨国家元首的西哈努克抵沪访问。这是他继1 956年之后第二次来上海,受到上海人民的热烈欢迎。陈毅副总理兼外长、曹荻秋副市长到机场迎接。当时,成千上万的上海市民从四面八方涌向机场和街道上迎候。一路上,彩旗林立,红色的横幅标语一眼望不到头,四处有人把花瓣、彩纸撒在西哈努克和夫人的身上。2月1 9日,西哈努克曾参观了上海工业展览会。
Sihanouk is one of the most familiar foreign friends of the Chinese people and is affectionately known as the “old friend of the Chinese people.” He visited Shanghai many times during his lifetime. On February 18, 1963, Sihanouk was the Cambodian Head of State when he arrived in Shanghai. This is the second time that he came to Shanghai after 1956, he was warmly welcomed by the people of Shanghai. Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Chen Yi, Vice Mayor Cao Diqiu greet the airport. At that time, tens of thousands of Shanghai citizens flocked to the airport and the streets from all directions. Along the way, colorful flags everywhere, red banner slogan at a glance, surrounded by petals, colored paper sprinkled on Sihanouk and his wife’s body. On January 9, Sihanoukville visited the Shanghai Industrial Exhibition.