Direct numerical simulation of intense laser–solid interactions is still of great challenges, because of the many coupled atomic and plasma processes, such as ionization dynamics, collision among charged particles and collective electromagnetic fields, to
We examined a 1514 nm eye-safe passively Q-switched self-optical parametric oscillator. The nonlinear crystal is an a-cut Nd:MgO:PPLN crystal, and the size of the crystal was 6 mm × 2 mm × 30 mm with 0.4 at.% Nd3 doped and a grat
报道了有关足球烯分子甲苯溶液中简并四波混频实验.测量出足球烯C70分子和C60分子的三阶超极化率张量y1111分量分别为1.2×10-30 esu和4.0×10-31 esu.对应于固体样品的三阶非线性光学系数X1111分量分别是2.5×10-8 esu和8.5×10-9 esu.此结果表明了足球烯分子是现有的非线性光学材料中具有较大三阶非共振电子极化率材料之一.文中还利用自由电子模型解释了非线性光学极化率的起源.
Eight-port optical routers are widely used in cluster-mesh photonic networks-on-chip (NoC). By using 24 groups of cross-coupling two-ring resonators, a 1-stage 8-port polymer optical router is proposed, which can optically route 7 channel wavelength data